Helping Hands

Past-life Disorientation in Children

by Henry Leo Bolduc, CH

In Agatha Christie’s “Sleeping Murder,” a young girl is terrified by visions of a murdered body at the foot of the stairs in her newly acquired home. Uncertain that she could actually have seen such an inexplicable phantasm, she questions Miss Marple, Christie’s famous octogenarian sleuth, about the probability of its reality.

“Yes,” Miss Marple replies, “I believe you probably did see it.”

“In a past life?” the girl continues.

“No, in this one, as a child,” Marple answers, suggesting that it is always best to reduce any mystery to its simplest terms. As it turns out, the young woman did witness a murder in that house when she was a small child, and had successfully blanked it from memory.

Some puzzling and disturbing experiences in the psyche can be explained by means of past life recall. Others cannot. And adults are not alone in their struggle with emerging past-life memories. Children are prone to the same processes, and might experience the same ease or difficulty in resolving them.

A child who is experiencing the rise of past-life memories might undergo varying degrees of time disorientation, not being able to distinguish past-life experiences from the present. Ranging in intensity from mild to severe, from “interesting” to dramatic, a wide spectrum of symptoms could appear. Careful observation of the symptoms could offer clues as to whether the child is undergoing normal current time development, or whether the mind and soul are reaching back into a life that came before the present one, bringing clues of past issues, still unresolved, to the surface.

For instance, vivid or recurring dreams of other times or places might indicate contact with a past life. Talking while asleep about other lives — even in a foreign language—is not uncommon.

Obsession with certain historical events or personalities might be indicative of past-life connections, as is a deep desire to travel to particular historic sites or locations. Taking such trips could actually open up past-life memories.

Persistent daydreaming of other times and places might represent an attempt to understand a past life. Children might act out past-life memories during play. Repetitive themes or role-playing, such as fighting cowboys and Indians, could be a re-enactment of a past-life experience.

Past-life disruptions of current life rhythms might be occurring if a child demonstrates a distinct sense of being out of step or out of place with his/her peers.

A child might startle his parents by verbally prompting them, “Don’t you remember when you were little and I was your mommy/daddy?” Obviously, such a question signals the recall of a switched-about parent-child roll.

Sometimes, simply reading a book or seeing a movie can trigger past-life memories. Often, people will “recognize” other people from a past life, picking up that person’s particular energy, even though the body—in this current life—is different. A psychic I.D., a soul “thumbprint” comes through. Children can experience this instant recognition of past-life associations in the same way adults do.

Past-life memories can heal or haunt us, depending on the clarity of recall and our approach to handling them. Fortunately, children’s past-life memories are more accessible than adults’ and they are, for the most part, benign. Often, a receptive adult can help a child to process or understand a memory. Children are more open and have better imaginations. In some cases, if a memory is troubling, professional help may be in order.

Inveterate storytellers and lovers of hearing stories themselves, children might find it easy to put the key into the lock of past-life recall simply by an adult saying, (for instance, at bedtime), “Tell me a story about when you were the mommy/daddy.” ln response, the child might spin out a tale that reveals that he/she has authentic recall of a past life. Children’s minds are more open to an imaginative leap into the past. They usually find it easier to verbalize their emerging memories, to bring them to the surface of present consciousness, than adults.

Even adults comment that past-life memories seem like imagination at first, but within a few minutes the past-life story begins to tell itself.

As a general rule, children experiencing the reemergence of a past life will not need regression therapy by a trained professional unless the acting out of a past-life drama interferes with their well-being. Then, the intervention of a skilled regression therapist would be appropriate.

Some past-life memories in children manifest as talents or unlearned abilities. Highly skilled or gifted children, even prodigies, might be experiencing the carry-over of spectacular talents from past lives, and are able to utilize and enhance them in their current lives. A child who is usually adept in any field should be encouraged to pursue that interest, for the child could be rekindling the use of instinctive abilities from a literal “life-time ago.” The reawakening of latent talents in the current life could be one of the most exciting, hands-on uses of past-life recall.

In summary, past-life memories come naturally to many children. Most of these memories are pleasant and helpful, and tend to fade as the child matures. By age ten or twelve, most children will have finished the process. But, throughout their revelation, should past-life memories occur, the goal is to minimize and sooth the difficult memories and, more importantly, to build upon the positive memories and skills acquired in previous lifetimes.

For parents seeking useful information and insights regarding this topic, Carol Bowman’s book, “Children’s Past Lives, How Past-Life Memories Affect Your Child,” might be of special interest.
If a regression therapist is needed, referrals are available through the following web sites:

“International Association for Regression Research and Therapy”

“International Board for Regression Therapy”

“National Guild of Hypnotists”

Carol Bowman, author of the two best sellers on this topic, can be reached at


This article may be published freely, there is no copyright restriction- Henry Leo Bolduc.

